Friday, May 20, 2016

Spring Entertaining

Seems there is frequently a request from a host/hostess for an appetizer to be brought by a guest to a dinner party, open house, casual barbeque on the patio, family reunion, or a function where a wedge of cheese and some tasteless non-descript oval crackers don’t quite fit the bill.  We all know those people who stop off at a local market, arrive with cheese wedge in a paper bag along with a box of aforementioned crackers, then ask for a plate on which to serve their “contribution.”  Right?  Infuriating. Yeah, yeah, I know.  We are all busy.  But we could make an attempt to present a much appreciated dish.

It’s getting into that season of invited Friday or Saturday night dinner guests want to enjoy a night off from the hectic week’s activities and gather on your deck, patio, or balcony to unwind.  It’s “I’ll throw a few burgers and bratwursts on the grill and everyone else can supply the remainder of the meal” time of the year. Casual spring/summer entertaining. I relish those impromptu and casual evenings.

A less stressful style of having visitors is to have a committee (your friends and family) be assigned a choice of the appetizers, bread, salad, and dessert.  Done!  Dinner is now simple and care-free.  Hosts provide the protein and maybe a side dish (think easy grilled in a basket spring vegetables, coin shaped fingerling potato salad with fresh peas, or an Asian slaw mélange with cashews, sesame seeds, cucumbers, red onion slices, and cilantro dressing).

Here are two impressive starters than can be made in advance, taking just minutes to assemble and then dressed with oil at the last minute for the tomato salad or preparing the crab cakes fried, baked or broiled.   Guests will never turn down an upscale colorful, seasonal Caprese-inspired starter nor crab cakes which are lightly drizzled with a vivid spring green aioli to commence an evening of festivities.

And what would a jovial gathering of friends be without specialty cocktails made in the blender by simply turning on the power? Voila! It’s party time!

And while on the subject of gatherings…nothing says summertime enjoyment than a class on the patio under the pergola.  Many diverse offerings from the “all about” classes…lamb, pig, seafood, and Verlasso salmon.  And a salumi presentation by the world famous Cristiano Creminelli with many dishes prepared by me with Creminelli products.  Or how about a wine tasting featuring new world selections from Washington, Oregon and California, paired with appropriate dishes?  A Whidbey Island class will focus on Pacific NW cuisine. All classes are listed on my website, and of course, adult beverages are always permitted for attendees over 21.  See you under the grapevines this summer!

How about an experience gift for that graduate, bride, Father’s Day gift, birthday, or just because it’s summer?  Making a memory of food is always welcomed. 

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